The Brazil Fund’s mission is to promote respect for human rights in Brazil, building innovative and sustainable mechanisms that channel resources to strengthen civil society organizations and to develop social justice philanthropy.
We are an independent, non-profit foundation created by activists to strengthen civil society organizations, mainly those led by people and communities directly affected by rights violations.
At the Brazil Fund, we understand that a strong civil society is a fundamental component of democracy.
Our support consists of resource grants; facilitation of learning, mobilizing and networking opportunities; and individualized monitoring of each supported organization and collective’s work. All that is done with respect to the autonomy and strategies of each group, aiming to offer technical support and to heighten the impacts of each group.
We support fights for racial and gender justice, for the rights of indigenous peoples’, quilombolas and local populations, for climate justice in the Amazon and other biomes of the country, for children’s and youth’s rights, for the rights of LGBTQIA+ people, for those of rural workers in precarious conditions, for communities impacted by infrastructure works and urban enterprising, for victims of State violence and their families and communities, the fight against mass incarceration and torture in the prison system, among others.
To maintain that work, we raise funds to allocate them to organizations and communities that fight for fundamental rights and against inequalities, institutional violence and discrimination throughout the country. In that manner, we act as a bridge connecting donors to social transformation projects.
The Brazil Human Rights Fund has an Ethics Committee, responsible for ensuring adherence to the Integrity Policy, Code of Ethics, and Conduct Guidelines.
The fund also includes an Investment Committee, responsible for guiding the foundation’s investments within the framework of its Endowment Fund.