Brazil Fund is supporting the “IF THERE ARE HUNGRY PEOPLE, GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO EAT” campaign. As an initiative of the Black Coalition for Rights in partnership with various movements and civil society organizations, the campaign is trying to obtain resources to feed 222,895 families mapped across the country for three months.
Brazil Fund’s efforts to support this action seek to help promote the campaign and serve as a bridge between donors and this essential humanitarian action at the most severe time of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. The disease has killed more than 400,000 people and has led the most vulnerable communities to hunger, extreme poverty, and constant human rights violations.
All proceeds will go entirely to the campaign, which will then distribute food, personal hygiene items and cleaning products among those communities. Items will be distributed at the sites where the over 200 organizations that comprise the Black Coalition for Rights are located. Each family will receive the equivalent of R$ 200 worth of products every month.
Click here to learn more and see the campaign video.
Donate now! Help promote the campaign! Hunger can’t wait, your help saves lives.