This year, Brazil Fund is supporting 15 groups selected through the specific call for proposals “Fighting Institutional Violence and Discrimination”. These groups come from eleven states in five regions of the country. The selection process involved a comprehensive and careful process, which is part of Brazil Fund’s most important features.
These organizations will work on several themes related to human rights, such as women’s rights, the right to free sexual orientation and gender identity, the fight against racism, the right to just and sustainable cities, the rights of Maroon people and traditional populations, the rights of youth, the rights of children and adolescents, socio-environmental rights in megaprojects, the guarantee of the rule of law and criminal justice, and the rights of indigenous peoples.
The selection committee was composed by eight important human rights activists: Sueli Carneiro, director of Geledés – Black Woman Institute; Itamar Silva, coordinator of Ibase (Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analysis); Miguel Lago, founder of Meu Rio network; the indigenous lawyer Joênia Carvalho Wapichana; Letícia Tura, executive director of the Fase; Beth Cardoso, coordinator of the Women and Agroecology Program of the Center for Alternative Technologies; Samira Bueno, executive director of the Brazilian Forum of Public Security and Denise Hirao, human rights consultant and advisor to Baobá – Fund for Racial Equity.