Eight projects supported by the Brazil Fund were visited on September 14-18 in these two northeastern states. The visits make up part of the foundation’s monitoring activities.
Taciana Gouveia, projects coordinator at the Brazil Fund, talked with partners, answered questions, heard about progress and challenges and shared experiences with the groups. The meetings were accompanied by communications assistant Cristina Camargo.
In Piauí several groups were visited: DiHuCi (Study, Research and Extension Group) from the Federal University of Piauí; and GPTrans (Piauí Group for Transsexuals and Transvestites). In Ceará several other groups were visited: Inegra (Black Institute of Ceará), the Ceará Committee for Demilitarization of the Police and Politics; the Anti-Nuclear Network; Cedeca (Center for Defense of Children and Adolescents in Ceará); the Popular World Cup Committee of Ceará and Acita (the Association of Tapeba and Caucaia Indians).
The projects visited were supported through the special funding round, Strategic litigation, advocacy and communications for the promotion, protection and defense of human rights; the annual 2014 and 2015 rounds; and the special Sporting Megaevents and human rights round.
Since 2007 more than 100 projects have been visited throughout the country. One of the goals is to strengthen these groups and increase the visibility of human rights defenders.