Somos – Communication, Health and Sexuality
2017 - Rio Grande do Sul - In progress
Monas: social intervention and capacity training in prisons
MoreMonas: social intervention and capacity training in prisons
MoreCity, Atlantic Forest and Pampa: articulating resistance and defending the sovereignty of the people of the city and countryside
MoreRight to urban land and to the city: confronting the concentration of land through strengthening popular organizing
MoreStrengthening the State Network for Urban Reform to confront the negative legacy of the development mega-project and seek the means to demand the right to the city
MorePopular World Cup Committee: resistance and empowerment from popular action
MorePeople’s World Cup Committee: a citizen initiative to build a World Cup that respect the rights of all
MoreTraining on health, human rights and social protagonism of religious leaders in the RS Center of the 'RenafroSaúde' National Network of Afro-Brazilian Religions and Health
MoreAssociation of Mothers and Friends of Children and Adolescents at Risk - Amar - RS
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