The General Meeting for Brazil Human Rights Funds Projects in 2015 was held on December 1-3 in São Paulo. Violence, racism and communications in defense and promotion of human rights were the main themes during the activities.
Representatives from 22 projects supported during 2015’s annual round participated in training activities, along with four more organizations invited especially for the event.
The General Meeting included the presence of anthropologist Osmundo Pinho, a professor at the Universidade do Recôncavo da Bahia; and journalist Nilza Iraci, president and communications coordinator at Géledes — Institute da Mulher Negra. They faciliated debates and small group sessions.
The project representatives also participated in technical workshops coordinated by the Fund staff on communications and the elaboration of technical reports on activities and finances.
For the Fund, these meetings are an opportunity to interact personally with the representatives of organizations that defend human rights from all over the country, and discuss and improve institutional strategies through dialogue and the exchanging of knowledge.