The Brazil Human Rights Fund supports the National Coordination of the Articulation of Rural Black Quilombola Communities (CONAQ) to strengthen the political agenda and resilience of quilombola organizations and communities throughout Brazil.
This is a knowledge transfer initiative to CONAQ, focused on enhancing management and project support capacity, as well as advancing land rights regularization of quilombola territories in Brazil.
Select a State to access the list of supported projects
To conduct meetings with members of the quilombola organization at the state of Bahia for the elaboration of a common agenda, aiming to strengthen the institutional and political ties of the quilombola fight. The support will also guarantee actions for the dialogue with universities in Bahia about the importance of the insertion and maintenance of the quilombolas in university, as well as the necessity of a political formation around their belonging and Identity.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
40,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To guarantee the follow-up and monitoring of the quilombola communities in the state of Espírito Santo in order to diagnose the main themes generating land conflicts in all the State. Moreover, we expect to build a great network of quilombola leaders with trainings and information about the quilombos in Espírito Santo.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
20,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local communities
To conduct a caravan with networking leaders and other quilombolas from the State of Goiás in order to know and coordinate with the communities, so as to guarantee the participation of these groups in Aquilombar, CONAQ’s national meeting in Brasília, for the elaboration of a quilombola political agenda from the land demands throughout Brazil.
Parceria com a CONAQ (Carta-Convite)
18,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To strengthen the political organization of Maranhão’s quilombos, through the enhancement of the municipal organizative formats and the institutional strengthening of ACONERUQ and CONAQ. We expect to ensure the ability of mobilization and autonomy for the communities, expanding political participation in search of the actualization of definitive titling of their territories.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
40,000 USD
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To ensure the institutional strengthening of the quilombola movement, in search of greater autonomy ,management and action planning, focusing on the promotion of rights geared towards the quilombola and black communities. For that, the organization intends on forming quilombola leaders in order to train them to act in their regions. We also expect to retake the agenda of political interlocution with the state’s public management and entities of interest.
State Network for Quilombola Cooordination in Minas Gerais
40,000 USD
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To enhance the networking of quilombola land with training, information and the strengthening of actions such as the fight against racism and discrimination on the Quilombola communities of Mato Grosso do Sul. The project also intends to conduct the meeting for leadership training with women, youths and LGBTQI+ in the Quilombos and to organize the associations for documental legalization through training on communal management within their territories.
Parceria com a CONAQ (Carta-Convite)
20,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To ensure the training of quilombolas for political advocacy and to hasten the follow-up to the processes of land regulation in Pará’s Quilombola Communities within the State and Federal Organs. Moreover, the support will enable part of CONAQ’s Institutional self sustainability in Maranhão, enabling the strengthening of the quilombola cultural identity.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
40,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To promote the institutional strengthening of Pernambuco’s quilombola communities, through the promotion of socio environmental, economic, cultural and ethnic development of these communities. The support will also enable the fight in defense of quilombola territories with actions that aim to care for and preserve their material and immaterial heritage, as a way to strengthen the Quilombola’s people identity.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
22,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To work with the ressignification of self-esteem and to safeguard the many ancestral and cultural manifestations of the quilombola communities, reassuring the leading role over the traces that identify them and the defense of territories/communities, developing human and structural potentialities. To form new leaders in the quilombola fight, prioritizing women and youths in the defense of the territory.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
22,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
o strengthen the organization of the Movement of Quilombolas in Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil through the provision of institutional and political mechanisms and appropriate social technologies to the quilombola associations in their territories. Moreover, the support will enable the training of 100 leaders from the associations of quilombola communities in the fight against the violations of quilombola rights.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
18,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
Understanding that the strengthening of the organization goes through the formation of its social base, the present project foresees the realization of networking spaces. These spaces will be coordinated at local, regional and state levels, through the conduction of meetings and conferences that aim to organize and present those communities’ demands.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
20,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To strengthen and bring visibility to the quilombola movement so it is an instrument with which its communities may develop economically, being a channel for networking related to public policies for the quilombola population and ensuring the sustainability and structural maintenance of the Institution.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
15,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To institutionally strengthen the communities in the identitary process about what it means to be quilombola in the Amazon, creating strategies to fight environmental and agrarian violence against the communities and peoples that live in these territories. Moreover, the project supported by the Brazil Fund will enable purchases of equipment and resources for infrastructure expenses and organization logistics.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
16.000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To mobilize the quilombos from Amazonas in the unified fight for their rights. In order to achieve that, the resource will help the project identify new Quilombos in Amazonas. From this mapping, the organization will develop training for female and young leaders, capacitating them for the activities as environmental agents.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
9.000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To strengthen the fight for a leading role in the history of quilombos and to consolidate their works, through dialogues in the quilombos and meetings with representatives and their diversity of peoples, with emphasis in the conscientization, in the importance of self-knowledge and in the quilombo’s resistance through their identity.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
15,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
Guarantee and permanence of quilombolas in their properties, as well as the maintenance of creole seeds with agroecological production, for the development of quilombola family agriculture; exchange and institutional partnerships aiming to build public policies convergent with the quilombola way of life; strengthening of the representation of youths’ views by providing a hearing place for their dos jovens proporcionando um local de escuta de suas demandas.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
18,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
We intend to reunite 33 quilombola leaders from the state of Paraná for the realization of a state assembly, with the goal of approving deliberations and tracing strategies for education and family agriculture for the next period. Moreover, the support will enable the registration in office of the Federation of Quilombola Communities in the State of Paraná (FECOQUI), a pending demand for over 12 years.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
15,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
The present project aims to organizationally structure the Institute for Development Afro Norte/Nordeste, thus enabling the institutional strengthening to have the conditions necessary to support the field, in the quilombola territories with larger structure and capacity for solutions. In the communities, there will be the undertaking of talks, debates and workshops for the formation and strengthening of the quilombola traditions.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
20,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
The project has as its objective the institutional strengthening of the State Network of Quilombos in Rio Grande do Norte, COEC-RN, through training for the networking of leaders, thus being able to contribute to the communities’ knowledges and practices with the improvement to the quality of life, work and income of all in the territory.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
15,000 USD
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To contribute to the strengthening of quilombola communities in the state of Rondônia. Moreover, the support by the Brazil Fund will ensure the creation and consolidation of the state network of quilombola communities in Rondônia; The strengthening of the associations from each community; Better coordination with CONAQ; Visibility and advocacy of the demands of quilombola communities.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
9.000 USD
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To conduct courses with the themes: youth, quilombolas, women, LGBTQIA+ population, advocacy, fighting against racism and right to land. The project will also enable the structuring of the Conaq headquarters in the State, seeking the strengthening and continuity of the actions by CONAQ Sergipe.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
15,000 USD
Rights for quilombola and local populations
To promote a higher engagement between the State Network of the Quilombola Communities from Tocantins and the 39 quilombola associations in Tocantins. And, from this union, to promote the debate over the regulation, demarcation and titling of the quilombos in Tocantins. To promote the State Seminary: Quilombola women - identity, gender and inclusivity in the fight for territory.
Partnership with CONAQ (Invitation Letter)
18,000 US
12 months
Rights for quilombola and local populations