THE BRAZIL HUMAN RIGHTS FUND FOUNDATION (henceforth “Brazil Fund” or “Us”), understands the importance and need to respect the privacy and security of the information provided by the users (henceforth “User” or “You”) that use the website (“Site”). Therefore, it informs that the processing of said data is done in conformity with applicable national law, including the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (Law nº 13.709/2018 – “LGPD”).
This document complements and integrates the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Site, that contains rules and a general vision around the services offered by the Brazil Human Rights Fund.
⮚ You may always contact the Brazil Fund to clear out doubts related to this document or to exercise the rights referring to your personal information. For that, you must only contact our Commissioner for the Processing of Personal Data (“Commissioner” or “DPO”), through the [email protected] email.
To ease reading, we elaborated the following table with a brief overview of the main points covered in this Policy:
CNPJ/ME: 07.922.437/0001-21
COMMISSIONER CONTACT (DPO) | [email protected] |
OPTIONAL NATURE OF CONCESSION OF PERSONAL DATA | You are free to provide or not your personal data and, even still, keep browsing the Site. However, not providing data may preclude access to some services offered by the Site. |
WHICH PERSONAL DATA WE TREAT AND HOW WE COLLECT IT | Browsing data and personal information provided directly by You during use of the Site.See more… |
COOKIES | The Brazil Fund uses cookies or similar technology to collect information about the User’s computer or mobile device, aiming to ensure the adequate functioning of the Site and improvements to the browsing experience. See more… |
PURPOSES FOR TREATMENT | Beyond the submission of communications and bulletins, ensuring easy deregistration, we may treat your information for other purposes, but always respecting your rights and the LGPD. See more… |
SHARING BY THE BRAZIL FUND | The Brazil Fund doesn’t commercialize your personal data, but there is the possibility of sharing that information with third parties. See more… |
MEASURES OF INFORMATION SECURITY AND STORAGE TIME | Security measures to protect your data and storing time by the Brazil Fund. See more… |
YOUR SUBJECT RIGHTS AND HOW TO EXERCISE THEM | The LGPD grants data subjects rights that may be exercised by You and, if applicable to the concrete case, will be met in the legal term. Said rights may include the confirmation of existence of treatment, the access to treated data, the correction of information, among others. Understand what they are and how to exercise them. See more… |
ALTERATIONS TO THIS POLICY | Access this document frequently to stay informed about eventual alterations. Changes that restrict your rights will be informed with higher emphasis. See more… |
This policy doesn’t apply to the services offered by third parties, therefore, when referred to other sites through external links or acquiring products/third party services through this Site, we recommend the cautious analysis of said third party’s privacy policies, because said agents are therefore liable for the treatment of collected data in these interactions.
The User is free to use the services offered by the Site and, when opting to use them, the Brazil Fund will request the minimal data necessary to provide said services. Not providing said minimal required data may prevent access to the services, precluding use of the Site.
>> Personal browsing data: during normal functioning of the Site, certain personal data may be collected through normal use, by the Users, of Internet communication protocols. That information may include, for instance, IP addresses, time and date of access, geolocalization, provider, network and device performance and operating system; and will be acquired to obtain usage statistics in order to continuously improve the access and content of the Site. Said information will be deleted after the legal term of storage foreseen by the Marco Civil Law of the Internet in Brazil (Law nº 12.965/2014) and may be used during this period to determine liabilities, as in cases of cybercrimes.
>> Data provided voluntarily by the Users: the User may inform, explicitly and voluntarily, their personal data in the following scenarios:
(i) Realization of donations to the Brazil Fund: will be required of the User their full name, email, phone number, birth date, sex, CPF, full address (street, number, additional data, neighborhood, city, State and Postal Code) and means of donation (bank bill, credit card or PIX);
(ii) Receiving of news about the Brazil Fund: the User must provide their name and email address in the specific fields of the Site itself; and
(iii) Filling of forms for submission of projects and solicitation of Emergency Grants: in this case, the User will be directed to specific forms in which they will be required to provide the organization’s name, legal responsible’s name, email address, phone number, website, city and State. Moreover, they may also include, among the information, the name, phone number and email address of the specific person that is at risk and needs support from the Brazil Fund in emergency, as well as the description of the facts that justify said request.
Bear in mind that the Brazil Fund collects the minimum data necessary to enable the realization of its services through the Site.
When visiting a site, personal information such as name, email address and User interests are stored in a cookie. It’s a common practice in the internet field. Cookies help the site remember information about the visit, such as your language, for instance. That may make your next visit easier and the site more useful for the User.
The Brazil Fund uses cookies or similar technology to collect information about the User’s computer or mobile device, aiming to ensure the adequate functioning of the Site and improvement of the browsing experience, leaving upon the Users the management of said cookies in their own Internet browsers.
Your data is processed according to the law and included in electronic or physical databases, in accordance to the purposes established in this document, or on the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Site, and accessed by the minimum amount of people necessary for treatment, all bound to the duties of confidentiality and security of treated information. Basically, the Brazil Fund uses your data for:
>> Contract Execution, meeting the ends for which the data was provided: We can only use the collected data to fulfill the contracted purpose. For example, we may use your identification and qualification data to confirm and/or cancel a donation made through the Site, among others;
>> Fulfilling legal or regulatory obligations: your personal data may be used in the fulfillment of obligations disposed in law, regulations of governmental organs, tax authorities, judiciary power and/or other competent authorities, as exemplified by the storing of registries of access to the Site for the term of six months, as determined in the Marco Civil Law of the Internet in Brazil;
>> Defense of our rights in lawsuits: even after the termination of our relationship with You, We may store and treat some of your personal data to exercise our rights, such as the defense of the Brazil Fund in eventual lawsuits;
>> Protection of the life or physical integrity of the subject or a third party: the collected information, via the filling of forms for the request of emergency grants, may be used by the Brazil Fund for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the people or third parties identified, that are at risk and need that support from the foundation; and
>> Realizing internal activities of treatment based on our legitimate interest: We may, also, treat the data based on our legitimate interest, always observing the limits of your expectation and never in harm of your interests, rights and fundamental liberties. Included in this legal justification are the sending of promotional content, marketing, disclosures and offers of our services.
Important: The User may always deregister from receiving communications and bulletins through the link provided in the communications of the Brazil Fund, deregistration options provided via phone or, additionally, by sending a direct message to our Commissioner (DPO) through the [email protected]. email. Even should the User opt out of receiving further communications and bulletins, the Brazil Fund may send transactional communications (for instance, in connection to an email verification or an email related to the service) to enable use of the Site.
The Brazil Fund doesn’t commercialize the personal data collected in the Site or during the provision of its services. However, there is the possibility of sharing with our employees, partners and service providers for the exclusive purpose of executing said services, based on the following criteria and for the purposes described below:
>> Providers, service providers and other third parties: these companies work with the Brazil Fund to enable the provision of services to the Users and enhance them. As an example, we cite the provisioners of technology services, such as cloud data storage, sending emails and materials, database analysis, creation of marketing actions (via Google Analytics, DoubleClick Campaign Manager, Facebook and Google Ads, for instance), network services, among others. These partners receive the Users’ personal information with the specific purpose to provide the services hired through the Brazil Fund itself and don’t have any usage rights over that information outside said hypothesis, beyond celebrating contracts with insurance of protection and security of the accessed personal data;
>> Judicial or administrative request: the Brazil Fund may share personal data in cases of judicial request or by means of competent authority in the terms of the law; and
>> Authorized by the User, when applicable: the LGPD foresees the possibility of sharing personal data without the need for the subject’s previous authorization, as long as wholesale transparency about that treatment is maintained, as we hereby inform You. However, in other cases unforeseen above, if not applicable on an alternative legal basis, we will send the User a notification with information about the eventual additional sharing to require their consent, informing them about the specific purpose.
We store your data in servers that follow the international criteria of security, adopting the necessary measures and observing the international transference mechanisms of data foreseen in the LGPD, as exemplified by the contract with a specific clause for personal data protections. Should you identify or learn about something that compromises the security of your data, it is essential that you contact the Brazil Fund, immediately.
Moreover, your data will be retained for the necessary time to fulfill the purpose of collection, for instance, until the contract with the Site is over should there not be another legitimate need, such as a legal provision that determines its retention or the use in defense of the Brazil Fund. We may, still, store your data for the fulfillment of any contractual or accounting obligations, or the attendance of an authority request. Afterwards, if no other legitimate purpose is applicable, the data will be expunged.
You, in the quality of subject of your personal data, hold the rights to:
>> Confirm the existence of treatment of your personal data;
>> Access the data treated by the Brazil Fund;
>> Correct the incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
>> Require the anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary data, excessive data, or data treated in nonconformity to the LGPD;
>> Require, expressly, the portability of data to another service or product provider;
>> Solicit the elimination of data obtained via consent, when applicable;
>> Require information about the public or private entities with which the Brazil Fund shares your data;
>> When consent motivates the collection, solicit information about the possibility of not providing it and the consequences of that negative;
>> Solicit the revision of decisions taken solely based on automated treatment of personal data, as applicable; and
>> Revoke your consent, when that is the legal basis used for any treatment activity realized by the Brazil Fund.
Said rights are not absolute and may be rebuked if colliding with other guarantees prescribed in law, such as the confidentiality of information or trade secrets of the Brazil Fund, legal obligations of retention, storage need for lawsuit defense, or other legitimate reasons that justify the refusal.
The Brazil Fund has a Commissioner (DPO), available for clarifications or requests relating to the subjects’ rights over their personal data. For that, the User must contact the [email protected]. email. Their request will be analyzed and, should it be legitimate and suitable, will be served in a reasonable timeframe, respecting the legal term.
Eventual alterations to this Privacy Policy will be informed through a post in our Site. Therefore, we recommend Users access our Policy periodically and observe its date of modification, at the end of this document, to confirm eventual alteration. Significant changes to the purpose of data treatment, or that impact the subjects’ rights, will be informed with more emphasis.
This Policy was last modified in June 1st 2022.