Objetivos e público alvo
Promote an article competition and invite young communicators to produce a video series and a printed magazine about violence against youth and other related issues: Black youth extermination; sexual violence; LGBT youth; pregnancy; abortion; adolescents and young people in youth detention programs.
Atividades Principais
Public call for the video series.
Election of a team of curators formed by journalists and communicators to select young people to participate in the two competitions. Organization of activities for the right to communicate and for the rights of youth.
Creating a YouTube channel named “Communicate in Defense of Life.”
Training course on free media for audiovisual production and television journalism to assist the selected young people in the preparation of the video series.
Article Competition on violence involving youth.
Free distribution of half of the printed edition in university entrance exam preparatory courses and to organized groups of young Black women in Bahia.
Building a series of web-reports for the Affirmative Portal using the texts that participated in the competition, but were not selected for the print edition.
Brazilian poor Black youth is neglected in aspects that determine their condition of disadvantage in relation to White and same age youth in more privileged social classes. The violation of the right to quality education ensures the suppression of other rights that are essential to human beings, such as the right to culture and communication. In a brief analysis of youth social indicators, it is possible to see the disparities leveraged by ethnic-racial factor.
According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), in 2013 40.7% of Black people between the age of 18 and 24 years old were enrolled in high education. Among Whites of same age, the percentage went up to 69.4%. In basic education, racial inequality persists. The percentage of Blacks and Browns between 18 and 24 years old enrolled in high school was 43.4%. Among young Whites, the figure drops to 22.4%.
According to data released by Amnesty International, among the 30,000 young people killed in Brazil in 2015, 77% were Black. Despite a small drop in the number of homicides in the country, the index grows among Black youth. Between 2002 and 2010, while the murder of white people fell 25.5%, among Black victims, the number increased 29.8%. This means that in 2002, the number of murders of Black people reached 26,952 and in 2010, this figure rose to 34,983. In some states, this problem has bigger proportions. Bahia and seven Brazilian states surpassed the mark of 100 homicides per 100,000 people (the maximum acceptable margin set by UN international standards is 10 homicides per 100,000 people).
Sobre a Organização
Revista Afirmativa (Affirmative Magazine) is a group of young Black communicators who organized a free, independent, nationwide, self-declared media vehicle (printed and online) with media produced by Black people through technical and alternate journalism using human rights issue as its main editorial line. The group also carries out social actions for youth rights, for the right to free communication and culture.
Independent Media Network in the Northeast and in Brazil.
Black Independent Media Network in Bahia and Brazil.
Black Movement Groups in Bahia and Brazil.
Articulation of Black Youth in Bahia.
Black Movement Groups in Bahia and Brazil.