Objetivos e público alvo
Contribute to the implementation of Law 10.639/03, an important tool to cope with racism, developing a process of awareness in the school community and in society to advocate for the law, providing subsidies for its implementation in 6 public elementary and middle schools in three municipalities of Paraiba.
Atividades Principais
Training activities with teachers.
Storytelling (Gira Contos Project) – 12 sessions, 2 in each school.
Afro-cultural educational activity – 1 in each school (João Pessoa and Santa Rita), on “November 20 – Black Awareness Day” as an affirmative date on Black resistance – the proposal will be built with the school community.
Black Knowledge Fair – held on “November 20” in the quilombo community of Caiana dos Crioulos – with the 2 schools of Alagoa Grande. The activity involves organizing a fair in which cultural information can be exchanged, such as African-cultural expressions, sieve, fifes, African dance and capoeira.
Social network interventions (Facebook and Twitter).
Iye Dudu Award – Launching a process of raising successful experiences of law implementation and making them known to the general public.
Production of printed material on racism and Law 10,639/03 and design of promotional materials.
Historically, education neglects Black identity and makes it invisible. A good example is the representation of Black people in textbooks, always in underprivileged conditions. Sometimes, they would still be in slave quarters or working and being severely beat. The appreciation has always been given to White European people. For Black children, this lack of positive representation causes serious damage to their growth, not only intellectually wise. There are numerous cases of school drop out because the child can not bare to be in the school’s hostile environment. This is a complicating factor, since the school has always been defined as the space where a person’s “future” is built. An important initiative to ensure that the school is a welcoming space that respects the racial diversity of Brazilian people, in 2003 – Law 10.639 / 03 – was instituted in Brazil, which requires schools to teach African and Afro-Brazilian history and culture. More than 100 years after the “official” abolition of slavery, Black people have the opportunity to see their history told in a positive way. However, due to the institutionalized racism in our society, 13 years after the promulgation of the law, many education departments still have not established guidelines for its implementation and not all schools develop actions in this perspective. Many are the difficulties in recognizing the law as an important tool for confronting racism.
Sobre a Organização
Founded in 2001, Bamidelê is a non-governmental, non-profit organization composed of Black feminists. Its mission is to contribute to the elimination of racism and sexism in the pursuit of racial equality and rights for men and women, aiming at a democratic society with social justice. Brazil Fund has supported the organization in 2015, 2012, 2010 and 2009.
AMNB – Brazilian Black Women National Organization
AMB – Articulation of Brazilian Women.
Network of Black Women from the North and Northeast Regions
Organized Women’s Network of Paraíba.
Organized Black Movement of Paraiba.
Black Youth Forum.