Objetivos e público alvo
Reduce the number of pre-trial detainees in Altamira and in western Pará, where the Belo Monte and Belo Sun projects were implemented.
Atividades Principais
- Evaluate, report and organize documents.
- Confront torture, extermination and the arbitrary arrest of young Blacks.
- Meet representatives of the Public Defender’s Office, Public Ministry, lawyers to present and evaluate cases and judicial and extrajudicial processes to benefit the incarcerated youth.
- Organize a Black Youth Regional Seminar, with the participation of civil society, families and relatives, and friends of incarcerated people.
- Organize meetings between grassroots communities and the project’s coordination to mobilize, disseminate and plan the work.
- Organize the Black Movement of Altamaria Regional Seminar.
- Foster the organization of a network involving the families of pre-trial detainees.
- Organize a meeting with families, relatives and friends of pre-trial detainees on visit days.
In the region of the Trans-Amazonian highway and Xingu, the implantation of energy and mining-related megaprojects cause the destruction of the biome and massively increase local populations. People from various regions of the country are looking for jobs and a better life in cities that are not ready to meet these demands. These cities are transformed into precarious scenarios in the areas of health, education, work, housing and security. As a result, the number of arrests increases causing the overcrowding of prisons, and, consequently, there is an increase in the Public Defender’s demands. People remain in prison for long periods without quality assistance, which turns prisons into “time bombs”.
Sobre a Organização
In the 1990s, a group of two women and three men, farmers and residents of the Trans-Amazonian region, survivors of the colonization model imposed by the federal government since the 1970s, started to promote discussions on political resistance and lack of visibility with the population, as well as on their exclusion from public policies. The movement was consolidated as a Black resistance group and intensified their articulation and mobilization with other social movements and unions. The Black People’s Training Center strives to strengthen affirmative public policies on education, health, housing, and on methods to cope with violence against women. It works with the populations of rivers and forests against the current development model, which disregards territory, place of residence, resistance and existence.
Articulation of Brazilian Women
Equite Institute
Women’s Forum of the Pará Amazon
Social and Environmental Justice Front
Women’s Collective of Altamira, Trans-Amazonian and Xingu
Rural and Urban Women’s Movement – MMCC-PA
Forum in Defense of Altamira
The Xingu Prelature
The Child’s Pastoral
The Land Pastoral