Objetivos e público alvo
Forming a working group through the mobilization of young people from different colors and ethnicities (Black youth, Indigenous, Gypsy, African Religions, Catholic, Evangelical, spiritualist, feminist, landless, student, hip hop, etc.) gathering cases of lethal and non-lethal institutional violence, of open display of hatred, moral offenses and offensive use of their image and their vulnerability, as well as State inertia. The goal is to gather these representative groups and with the support of legal counseling, identify theoretical and statistical foundations, and emblematic cases of juvenile state violence, retrieve their history, examine the case and legislation that was applied, make recommendations and publish all results in a work called “Violence against youth in Sergipe: Relevant aspects, cases and recommendations”.
Atividades Principais
Youth mobilization.
Consolidation of the working group.
Beginning of the activities of the working group.
Legal advising.
Seminar and book launch “Violence against youth in Sergipe: Relevant aspects, cases and recommendations.”
On 22 March 2008, after a mega police operation a teenager named “Pipita”, 17 years old, accused of crimes by the state, was shot and killed by the police. Sergipe, a state often mentioned by Amnesty International and the CPI of Extermination Groups (a parliamentary committee of inquiry) in their reports, once again suggests that killing an alleged infringer could be the solution. The Human Rights Commission of the Legislative Assembly reported on April 4, 2013 the existence of a death squad that killed some 17 young people in the municipality of Poço Verde. Lists were posted on the walls of municipal schools with the names of the people who received death threats and they would later on, show up dead. The young David Phelipe, 17, was killed on March 12, 2014 in a police approach in Parque dos Faróis, in Nossa Senhora do Socorro. At CENAM (a youth detention center), adolescents were tortured by agents on September 17, 2014 during a rebellion. In the state, the number of homicides in the years 2002/2012 had a much higher growth than average national numbers, reaching 61%. The capital, Aracaju, is responsible for 36% of homicides in the state.
Sobre a Organização
The Ojú Ifa community develops projects, promotes activities and seeks partners in an attempt to address the problems affecting Black youth in all its aspects and specificities. It works to provide communities and traditional peoples of African origin with social, cultural and educational activities aimed at fighting racism and other forms of prejudice and promoting religious diversity.
Oxe project.