Objetivos e público alvo
The project’s goal is to strengthen the women’s movement to end the criminalization of abortions, through political and technical training of leaders and the promotion of mobilizing actions on the issue. The idea is also to give visibility to institutional violence against women having abortions in public health institutions in Campina Grande and João Pessoa.
In Brazil, abortion is considered a crime, except in cases that threaten life, and rape (1940 Penal Code). It is estimated that 729 thousand to 1.25 million illegal abortions occur annually. Poor, afro-descendant and young women are more vulnerable due to the variables of race, generation and class, defining aspects of social inequalities in Brazil. The clandestine situation causes women to undergo abortions in unsafe conditions, using poor means for termination of pregnancy, with serious dangers to their health.
As pointed out in the Dossier on the Reality of Unsafe Abortion in Paraíba (Cunhã/Ipas/Curumim, 2009), at least 8,408 abortions were induced in the cities of João Pessoa and Campina Grande in 2008, according to DATASUS. The survey also shows that health care for women undergoing abortion in public health institutions is marked by dehumanization. The waiting, the lack of information, the harsh treatment, to poor infrastructure and the prejudice of health professionals illustrate the route of women’s mistreatment. Impairment in the assistance to reproductive planning post-abortion adds to this context.
Sobre a Organização
Cunhã works to defend and promote the rights of women, youth and adolescents with a particular focus on their race/ethnicity, social class, generation and sexual orientation, in health, education, culture, sexual rights, reproductive rights, violence against women and sustainable development, aiming to contribute towards gender equality and human rights democratization.
The organization conducts educational activities with leaders of women’s movements and health and education professionals in the fields of sexual and reproductive health (abortion, contraception and prevention of maternal mortality) and violence against women; advocacy and social monitoring of public policies (health and women’s rights municipal councils and the Municipal Committee for the Prevention of Maternal Death).
The group also develops communication strategies through publications, research and diagnosis of reality, press office and media monitoring.
Additionally, the organization composes the Executive Secretariat for Liaison of Brazilian Women, coordinates the Paraíba regional office of the National Feminist Network for Health, and is a member of the Conferences for the Right to a Lawful and Safe Abortion.