Objetivos e público alvo
With the project ‘Knowledge and experiences’ exchange among women positive citizens in the conquest of rights’, the collective will work with groups of women in Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí and Pernambuco. It will propose the exchange of experiences, the strengthening and coordination of common fights’ agendas among activists who combat the feminization of AIDS, feminists and women human rights defenders.
Atividades Principais
The collective will prepare a situation analysis of HIV care in the states involved in the project and hold events for exchange and political training of women. The idea is to produce material for a public action regarding the access to rights and the fight against institutional violence to which this population is subjected.
Sobre a Organização
Leila Diniz Collective sets three guiding principles for its actions: (1) organization and strengthening of the Women’s and Feminists’ Movement to work with feminism with a view to strengthen the AMB – Brazilian Women’s Group and the RN Women’s Forum as social movements that contribute to the organization, training and participation of women, (2) addressing violence against women through political education of mixed and women’s groups in the perspective of feminist political action, communicating with several sectors of society and (3) impact of women’s development and rights, which fosters criticism and political influence of women’s movement on the development processes in all its dimensions.