Objetivos e público alvo
Collecting data that shows the growing number of adolescents (12-18) murdered in the capital and metropolitan region from July 2013 to December 2014. The systematization of this data aims to show and publicize the causes of this phenomenon, with effects throughout the country.
More specifically, the intent is to alert greater São Luís society to the need to prevent causes of violence, counting on the public authorities to install public policies that guarantee adolescents’ safety in institutional spaces.
Atividades Principais
– Collection of data on homicides, causes, probable assailant and time together with the police, Medical Legal Institute, paramedics and periodicals.
– Systematize collected information.
– Creation of a research report.
– Publication of research results.
– Public hearing to present collected and organized data.
– Meeting with state authorities and secretaries to present research and recommendations.
According to the Mortality Information System (SIM) data, 7,592 people aged 12-18 were victims of homicide in Brazil in 2012. On the other hand, according to Adolescent Homicide Index (IHA) data, the state of Maranhão occupies 19th place among the Brazilian states with the highest IHA, and the capital, São Luís, is 17th among Brazilian capital cities. The Map of Violence 2012 — Children and Adolescents in Brazil, created by the Brazilian Latin American Studies Center, shows that there was an increase of 189.1% in the homicide rate among children and adolescents from 2000 to 2010.
Sobre a Organização
The CDMP offers social, legal and pedagogical assistance in defense of the rights and citizenship of the child and youth population; it provides guidance for rights councils and tutors; it intervenes to confront sexual and domestic violence; it promotes sensitivity and training on children and adolescents’ rights; it acts to prevent and combat child labor; it monitors socioeducational policies and proposes public policies.
– State Children and Adolescents’ Rights Forum.
– Maranhão Network for Juvenile Justice.
– State Human Rights Council.
– State Human Rights Forum.