Objetivos e público alvo
The project looks to strengthen the discussion of domestic and international trafficking of children, adolescents and youth in the twelve cities hosting the World Cup in 2014.
Informative materials will be produced and distributed to the sports community, football coaches, business owners, agents and team directors as well as youth football leagues concerning the right to play sports (in safety) and the different forms of preventing the exploitation and trafficking of children, adolescents and youth who play sports, as well as the creation of joint strategies for confronting the problem, together with athletes.
Atividades Principais
– Creation/maintenance of an online platform: the platform is the main means of conversation with these twelve cities hosting the World Cup. Through this online platform, civil society can get involved in the development of the project, make proposals to act, point out existent means and organizations for working with the issue of Human Trafficking, especially in relation to children, adolescents and youth. Furthermore, the platform will be a permanent method for searching, researching and exchanging knowledge on the issue;
– Production of informative material: 10,000 pamphlets along with a digital version, to be distributed throughout the country;
– A state-wide thematic workshop and web broadcast will elevate the discussion and be published online. Invitations will go to: government, civil society, sports professionals, counselors, human rights specialists and all organizations interested in the issue, especially those involved with children, youth, sports and human rights.
Brazil is one of the countries where many men, women and children are submitted to human trafficking within the country and abroad. The problem is particularly grave in rural areas and mining districts, tourist resort areas and along highways. The north and northeastern regions are the main locations for sexual trafficking abroad due to high rates of poverty, unemployment and tourism.
In this context, the World Cup will create a very conducive environment for child and adolescent trafficking and sexual exploitation due to sexual tourism, already very common in Brazil. Thus the proposed project, along with collaborating to prevent trafficking of children and adolescents, looks to contribute effectively to a network of assistance, demonstrating the service provided by entities involved in this area.
Sobre a Organização
The Permanent Popular Forum for the Defense of Children and Adolescents – FDCA/ERJ is a civil society institution organized in the state of Rio de Janeiro, founded in order to promote the interaction of different forces in society through coordination of non-governmental entities, and with the mission of promoting and motivating the realization of the rights of children and adolescents throughout the state.
The Forum consists of representatives of various institutions and militants for the rights of children and adolescents. TRAMA is a consortium formed by the human rights organization Projeto Legal (Legal Project); CRIOLA; University of Grande Rio (UNIGRANRIO) and the Brazilian Institute for Innovations in Social Health (IBISS), having as cooperating organization the Guardianship Counselors’ Association of the State of Rio de Janeiro (ACTERJ) and coaches with their counselors from Rio de Janeiro.
The organization was able to develop more workshops than initially proposed. This was due to the demand for activities pertaining to this theme, still largely unknown to the Brazilian population in general. One of the main results of the project was the awareness raised among the most vulnerable groups and strategic agents in the world of sports. The second edition of the booklet “Into the Right Net” was widely distributed through partnerships with public and private institutions. The organization’s work was also disseminated.