Objetivos e público alvo
The campaign looks to mobilize black youth and society at large to consolidate the political processes of resistance against the extermination of black youth. The Brazil Human Rights Fund has previously supported the initiative through its annual selections of 2008 and 2009.
Atividades Principais
– A seminar on the theme: Extermination of Black Youth and Access to Justice;
– Promotion of courses and workshops on topics related to black youth with the goal of strengthening the political formation of Forum coordinators and others interested;
– Re-edition of the pamphlet, “Racism: count me out”, which deals the effects of the extermination in a simple and direct manner. Furthermore, invite youth for political engagement of various forms.
– The 7th State-wide March Against the Extermination of Black Youth.
Espírito Santo has some of the worst statistics in the realm of Public Safety. Studies show that black youth are the principal victims of homicides. Furthermore, black youth suffer the absence of public policies and affirmative actions that could offer them the possibility of a new perspective on a daily basis.
When we speak about the rate of black homicides, Espírito Santo occupies third place in country, with a rate of 136.5, after only Alagoas and Pernambuco (Mapa da violência. Os jovens do Brasil. São Paulo, Instituto Sangari, 2011).
The State-wide Campaign Against the Extermination of Black Youth has denounced and raised awareness about this situation since 2008. The intensification of the debate would allow for the advancement of this confrontation of institutional violence and racism, still so present in our society.
Sobre a Organização
Fejunes aims to organize black youth of the state of Espírito Santo to gain an autonomous, quilombo-related, militant, empowered, democratic, combative and resistant perspective in the anti-racist struggle against any form of oppression and for the emancipation of the black people.
The Black Youth Forum of the State of Espírito Santo relies on the support of the Black Capixaba Movement (“capixaba” denotes someone from Espírito Santo); the National Human Rights Movement; the Association of Mothers and Relatives Victims of Violence (AMAFAVV/S); the Women of Espírito Santo Forum; the Capixaba Youth Observatory and the Experimental Communication Group Street Eye.