Objetivos e público alvo
The project looks to bring together social movements in the state to shed light on the institutional violence present at the time of birth as a violence against women; to encourage the formation of local groups to spread awareness of reproductive and sexual rights for the social control of obstetric health care services; alert society of the necessity of improvements to health care services for women giving birth; spread knowledge of rights related to maternity and promote dialog with women about birth assistance and obstetric violence. The initiative looks to benefit women who use the public health care system.
Atividades Principais
Formation of women’s networks in cities in Espirito Santo and training of peer educators; workshops, open to the general public, on women’s rights related to maternity and about the institutional violence of birth-related health services. Creation and production of booklets, banners, pamphlets and other informational materials about gestation, delivery and birth and the rights of women related to maternity, making society aware of the issue of obstetric violence. A photo exposition, Respectful Delivery, in locations with heavy circulation. Creation of a final report on the workshops and interventions and creation of a formal denunciation to be delivered to the Public Prosecutor’s office.
Institutional violence in child delivery and birth, also known as obstetric violence, is frequently treated as a natural and common process. Many women relate “mistreatment” during their experience giving birth, in which “mistreatment” may refer to physical or psychological aggression, threats, carelessness, humiliation, moral and sexual harassment and racial, ethnic, generational, socioeconomic or sexual orientation-based discrimination. This “mistreatment” is considered by many women to be inherent to the process of giving birth in public hospitals (despite also being present at private hospitals) or the final consequence of sexual activity. The lack of adequate health services in accordance with current legislation, the lack of oversight of regulation agencies and the difficulty of access to the rights of the expectant mother submit women to a situation of vulnerability, due to the model of obstetric attention adopted in the majority of Brazilian hospitals and maternity wards.
Sobre a Organização
Created in 1992, the Women’s Forum of Espirito Santo is a feminist organization that has, since its existence, mobilized women and women’s movements to seek political formation, self-organization of women, for campaigns for autonomy and liberty, the struggle against ethnic, racial, socioeconomic, generational or sexual orientation-based discrimination.
The Women’s Forum of Espirito Santo is a network of social movements from the state, among them: Association of Women from the Mountains, the Association of Women in Search of Liberation, Via Campesina, The Birth Principle Network of Women, Popular Capixaba Stand, Popular Consultation, Student Directory of UFES and Women United Against Violence.
The project allowed for training activities empowering women to become peer educators on the subject of obstetric violence and women’s rights.