Objetivos e público alvo
Actions to mobilize and offer training to young people to foment, support and strengthen initiatives carried out by youth groups from the outskirts of the Great Belo Horizonte focusing on confronting the Black youth genocide, racism and institutional violence committed against the Black and poor youth.
Atividades Principais
- Mobilization and Articulation Network;
- Political education;
- Collaborative Production.
Four years after Youth Forum launched the Youth Against Violence Youth Platform its main guidelines still lack political and social solutions. The situation regarding lethal violence persists, especially among Black youth aged 15-29 in Brazil. According to the Atlas of Violence (Institute of Applied Economic Research – IPEA, Brazilian Forum of Public Security – FBSP, 2018), in 2016, the country reached 62,517 homicides. Of these, 78% happened during police interventions. The young and Black population is the primary victim: between 2006 and 2016, homicide rates in these segments increased, respectively, 23.3% and 23.1%. In Minas Gerais, the municipalities of Betim, Vespasiano and Sabará have the highest homicide rates: 65.2, 56.5 and 54.3, respectively. Among women, the situation is also terrible. In the same period, there was a 15.3% increase in the number of homicides of women in Brazil, with Black women being the primary victims again: for this group, the increase in the homicide rate was 15.4%, while for the non-Black, there was a drop of 8%. It is known that these are the results of a combination of successive violations of rights that have as central motivations racism, machismo, social inequality and institutional violence practiced by the State, especially against Black and poor youth.
Sobre a Organização
The Youth Forum of the Great BH was created in 2004 due to the absence of public youth policies in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte considering their right to the city and the ongoing process of invisibilization and criminalization of the youth culture in the outskirts of peripheric areas. The Forum is a network formed by entities, movements, groups, and activists. It works on the defense of youth cities rights of big and on the elaboration of public policies. It carries out training, mobilization, communication and advocacy actions.
Associação Imagem Comunitária (Community Image Association)
Brigadas Populares (People’s Brigades)
Internet Sem Fronteiras (Internet without Borders)
Instituto de Promoção e Desenvolvimento Social Tucum (Tucum Institute for Social Development)
Observatório das Juventudes da UFMG (UFMG Youth Observatory)
Oficina de Imagens – Comunicação e Educação (Images Workshop – Communication and Education)
Instituto Macunaíma (Macunaíma Institute)
Coletivo Na Raça (Na Raça Group)
Coletivo Batalha da Rocha (Batalha da Rocha Group)
Coletivo Terra Firme (Terra Firme Group)
Coletivo Muda (Muda Group)
Coletivo JDA (JDA Group)
Coletivo Flores do Beco (Alley Flowers Group)
Coletivo Nosso Sarau (Our Sarau Group)
Coletivo Mega Foco(Mega Focus Group)
Acampamento Pátria Livre (Free Motherland Camp)
Coletivo ReJudes (ReJudes Group)
Coletivo Valores de Minas (Girls Values Group)
Coletivo TransLiterária (TransLiterary Group)
Movimento Minas diz Não à Redução da Maioridade Penal (Minas says No to Reducing Legal Age)
Fórum Permanente do Socioeducativo de Belo Horizonte (Permanent Forum of Youth Prisons of Belo Horizonte)
Frente Mineira sobre Drogas e Direitos Humanos (Minas Gerais Group on Drugs and Human Rights)
Fórum Metropolitano de Educação de Jovens e Adultos – Fórum Metrô (Metropolitan Forum of Youth and Adult Education)
Fórum Nacional de Democratização da Comunicação(National Forum of Democratization of Communication)
Observatório de Favelas (Favelas Observatory)
Rede Nacional de Adolescentes e Jovens Comunicadores e Comunicadoras (National Network of Adolescents and Young Communicators)
Viração Educomunicação – SP(Viração Educommunication – SP)
Diz aí – Enfrentamento ao Extermínio da Juventude Negra (Diz aí – Coping with the Extermination of Black Youth)
Canal Futura (Futura Channel)
Reaja ou será morto! (React or be killed!) Reaja ou será morta! BA
Do I look suspicious? – SP
Juventude Marcada Para Viver – RJ (Youth Tagged to live – Rio de Janeiro)