Objetivos e público alvo
Develop actions in the municipal schools of Salvador to prevent sexual violence aiming to raise awareness and prepare teachers and students to identify, report and refer cases to the network.
Atividades Principais
Preparing educational and information material and contacting educational institutions.
Capacity trainings for the professionals working in these institutions.
Workshops with the students of these institutions.
Reporting on the activities.
Organizing and conducting event to present the obtained results.
The sexual abuse, committed by family or not, with or without physical contact, and sexual exploitation (for commercial purposes) is a practice grounded in an unequal power relation, which disrupts the identity of the victim, denying even the right of children and adolescents to their developing sexuality. (FALEIROS; FALEIROS, 2008)
Sexual violence has consequences once it affects the physical and mental health, and social commitment in relationships. The statistics are alarming. As stated by the Public Ministry of the State of Bahia, by November 2015, 1099 cases were reported through phone calls to the state’s reporting phone service. According to data provided by the President’s Secretariat of Human Rights, through the Dial Human Rights service, in 2014, Bahia registered 1,998 reports of sexual violence against children and adolescents. The state ranked second, after São Paulo (3358) and surpassed Rio de Janeiro, which accounted for 1,910 calls. In the state of Bahia, 618 cases were reported in the city of Salvador. A comparison between the years 2013 and 2014 shows a drop in the number of complaints in all states. In 2013, Bahia registered 3,077 complaints compared to the 1,998 in 2014, a negative balance of 35.07%. On the average between states, there was a drop of over 28% in the number of complaints.
Sobre a Organização
Throughout its 25-year history, Cedeca/BA has narrowed its ties with the community, organizing meetings to raise awareness, empower and encourage the strengthening of the network, as well as to empower this audience to face the violation of rights of children and adolescents. Schools, both municipal and state, whenever possible are involved in Cedeca actions, because there is great demand for this service, due to the large percentage of cases that are identified through these actions. The fact that schools are not prepared to deal with this subject is also a form of institutional violence and is another aspect that has been revealing along these interventions.
Ance (National Association of Defense Centers for the Rights of Children and Adolescents).
ECPAT Brazil Network.
National Committee.
Committee to Fight Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents of the State of Bahia.
Committee to Prevent and Fight Human Trafficking in the State of Bahia – CEPETP.
Protection Program to Support Children and Adolescents Who Were Death Threatened – PPCAAM / BA.