Objetivos e público alvo
Increase the assistance offered to traditional fishing and quilombo communities in the Bahian Recôncavo in their legal and administrative processes that involve the struggle for recognition, land title and preservation of their territories. The association will work directly with the communities impacted by advancing eucalyptus monoculture, shrimp farming and the Paraguaçu shipyard.
Atividades Principais
• Accompanying administrative and legal processes that involve the normalization of quilombo territories;
• Proposition of strategic legal action for the defense of the rights of quilombo and fishing communities and for holding entities responsible for social, economic and environmental harms caused by the installation of eucalyptus monoculture, shrimp farming and the Paraguaçu shipyard;
• Elaboration of denunciation to the State and Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office, as well as the accompaniment of public civil suits and assistance during legal proceedings;
• Workshops in socializing legal knowledge and discussion of strategies for the struggle;
• Elaboration of communications materials on the rights of quilombo communities and themes of interest to fishermen/women.
Sobre a Organização
The Association of Lawyers for Rural Workers of the State of Bahia – AATR/BA is a civil non-profit based in the entire state of Bahia whose aim is to offer popular legal assistance to organizations and popular movements connected to the struggle of rural and field workers.
The project made legal defense possible as well as the monitoring of administrative processes by the remaining quilombo communities of Graciosa, Porto Dom João, Guaí, Conceição de Salinas, Acupe, São Francisco do Paraguaçu, São Tiago do Iguape, São Brás, Batateira, Cova da Onça, Rio dos Macacos and Salamina Putumuju. A report of environmental crimes that violated the territorial integrity of the quilombos was submitted to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Another important process was the systematic way in which basic education was provided, strengthening coordination efforts and the development of strategies to confront violations. There was systematic support for confronting the eucalyptus plantations expanding onto the communities’ traditional territories. Support was also given to groups drafting public statements condemning violations of the communities’ rights.