Objetivos e público alvo
Develop and produce a reference guide that assists the formation of a prevention culture that inhibits human trafficking in the state. The publication will present information on human trafficking and ways to identify and fight incidents in this field, having as target audience non-governmental organizations, government managers and public service professionals from different fields (health, safety, tourism, etc.). Counting on concise and straight language, the handbook will enable not only the dissemination of specific knowledge, but also the strengthening of interfaces between different partners working in the area.
Atividades Principais
Organization of a seminar to present the project.
Dialogue with governmental and non-governmental actors at the federal, state and municipal levels.
Workshops for the preparation of information materials.
Production and dissemination of the handbook.
Visits to public services and organization of meetings.
According to national and international data, Brazil holds a prominent place in the field of violation of rights and violence against transsexuals and transvestites. Women, children and adolescents are the main targets of such violence, including transvestites and transsexuals (adolescents, youth and adults). In this case, in many and recurrent situations, human trafficking adds to child labor and exploitation of sexual workers. National public policies in force in this field stimulate and support the development of local (state or municipal) actions aimed at training advocates to fight for women’s rights. Other important actions to be pursued are the elaboration of information campaigns, creation and use of flows and service protocols to assist women victims of trafficking, bringing specific information to train public service professionals and the police force in what concerns the services provided by them to people victims of this type of violence and the creation of free services to report human trafficking.
Sobre a Organização
Astral works in the field of social control and advocacy of targeted public policies covering transsexuals and transvestites in different areas such as health, human rights, education, justice and security. In this sense, the organization actively participates in discussion processes, definition and/or implementation of various programs and strategies, being responsible for some achievements at State level, such as: an education decree to allow transvestites and transsexuals to use their social names in schools; bill defining May 17 as the day to fight homophobia and transphobia; an anti-discrimination bill in Goiânia and in the State of Goiás waiting for the Legislative Assembly’s approval. It also organizes different discussion forums and trainings (seminars, courses, workshops) aimed at young adults and LGBTT, including transvestites and transsexuals, on combating sexual exploitation, comprehensive health promotion, human rights and confronting human trafficking. Astral is a state reference for Trans people (transsexuals and transvestites women), creating and maintaining a temporary home for victims of human trafficking in partnership with the Ministry of Justice (Projeto Casulo).
National Committee to Fight Human and Refugees Trafficking.
Women State Council.
Network for the Victims of Violence in Goiás.
Forum to Fight Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents of the State of Goiás.
Women Forum of Goiás.
Community’s Women Center.
Brazilian Articulation of Lesbian.
National Articulation of Transvestites and Transsexuals.
Rede Trans Brasil.