Objetivos e público alvo
Promote and discuss violence against women in the city of Campestre, Alagoas, through information, training and reporting of cases in the city.
Atividades Principais
Workshops on the radio, photography communication and free media.
Formative meeting on human rights, with emphasis on women’s rights.
Creating a radio show on women’s issues, including health and rights of women.
Reporting campaign on violence against women.
Dissemination of educational materials, training and information on women’s issues.
Lectures in schools to discuss topics related to women’s rights.
Seminar on women’s issues in Alagoas and Brazil.
According to the 2015 Violence Map, Alagoas is the third most violent state for women in Brazil. According to this map and data from the Court of Alagoas, in the last ten years there has been an increase of 92.5% in cases involving violence against women. It is relevant to say that, in most cases, the victims of physical and psychological violence are single and are aged between 30 and 40 years, followed by those who are between 18 and 24 years.
In the municipality of Campestre, there have been many cases of violence against women, but many ended up hushed within their own families or in different social groups and went unreported.
Sobre a Organização
The Campestre FM Community Radio Association was founded in June 1998 due to problems with communication caused by the difficult access to this location. There was only satellite TV signal and Pernambuco radio, in medium wave. There are no printed newspapers in the city. This difficult scenario has generated the need to create, enhance and disseminate communication in the city. Thus, activities were strengthened and Campestre FM Community Radio started to work more effectively with training activities in the community. This was initiated through a partnership with CEMINA organization, from Rio de Janeiro, followed by the creation of the Telecentre, which enabled other partnerships and the development of other projects, such as Estação Digital Campestre, Replicating Knowledge, Ponto de Cultura, and Guardians of Jacuípe Valley.
Network of Women in Radio.
Network of Women in Pontos de Cultura/Cultura Viva.
Alagoana Network of Pontos de Cultura.
Digital Stations Network of Banco do Brasil Foundation.
Community Radios Association.
CEDCA – State Council of Child and Adolescent of Alagoas.