Objetivos e público alvo
Protect vulnerable families and individuals from human rights violations committed by the state’s oppressive apparatus, such as in pre-trial detentions; denounce public and private violence against workers who struggle for land; support the search for social rights that the land would bring to landless families; and contribute to the fight for land carried out by the families who are living in the camp site.
Atividades Principais
- Monitoring legal proceedings and defending persecuted leaders.
- Promotion of a communication campaign.
The area where the project is developed is the scene of an intense conflict between the company Aurapel and the landless workers. About 3,000 families are in four camps: Herdeiros da Terra 1o de Maio in Rio Bonito do Iguaçu; Dom Tomás Balduíno, Vilmar Bordim and Leonir Orback in Quedas do Iguaçu. The names of the two last camps honor the landless workers killed on April 7, 2016. In addition to the militants, seven others were injured. Two of them were arrested. Despite clear signs of execution, no police officer was accused. Presently, some of the leaders are arrested and others have been prosecuted.
Sobre a Organização
The Center for Sustainable Development and Training in Agroecology is the result of the organization of workers in the struggle for land. It was created as an association in 1997 to provide technical assistance related activities, research, capacity building and technical training to farmers and settlers of agrarian reform in the central region of Paraná. It is currently headquartered in Laranjeiras do Sul and operates in most of the municipalities of the Cantuquiriguaçu Territory. Its activities are organized from four strategic and transversal axes: agroecology; cooperation and management; gender and youth.
– Landless Workers’ Movement – MST.
– Regional Women’s Group.
– Regional Youth Collective.
– Ecovida Agroecology Network.