Objetivos e público alvo
The “Voice and time of the riverside peoples” project looks to create the conditions necessary for the Council of Associations and Cooperatives of the Lower and Middle Madeira River to create dialogue and negotiate with public organs and the Santo Antônio and Jirau hydroelectric plants, in an attempt to defend the rights of riverside populations and assure due compensation due to the socio-environmental impacts generated by these large projects in the region.
Atividades Principais
- Meetings with several associates to evaluate the development of negotiations with the hydroelectric plants and governments and suggestions for new issues and priorities.
- Organization of monthly meetings with the directors of CONACOBAM to discuss and carry through collective agreements.
- Participation in all monitoring meetings on socio-environmental compensation.
- Following up and monitoring the demands and claims made by riverside communities and associates, through visits and regular contact with public and private organs in Porto Velho.
- Systematization of information in order to forward it to associates and assist in the production of documents to support monitoring.
The riverside communities along the Madeira river, though technically a part of the city of Porto Velho, are isolated and have little access to public policies and services, leading to precarious living conditions.
The process of hydroelectric plant construction at Santo Antônio and Jirau on the Madeira river led to the formation of community associations who now struggle for socio-environmental compensation and greater dialogue with state and municipal governments.
In 2006, 13 groups mobilized to create the Council of Associations and Cooperatives of the Lower and Middle Madeira River, in an attempt to negotiate directly with public organs and corporations to improve the quality of life for riverside communities.
Currently, the Council is faced with the challenge of qualifying its actions to support associates with difficulties in communication, mobility, access to information and understanding of administrative and political dynamics necessary to organize support and partnerships that can bring improvements to these communities.
Sobre a Organização
CONACOBAM represents and supports 32 community resident associations, producers, harvesters and fishermen in the region of the Lower and Middle Madeira River in Porto Velho to defend their collective interests and rights, strengthening community organization and participation in the sustainable development of the region, in harmony with the environment and with respect for the riverside culture.
The project enabled the formation of productive chains and training. Meetings and visits to small farmers and Brazil nut collectors were arranged for.