Objetivos e público alvo
Support training in land rights, access to environmental justice and the strengthening of political organization through workshops, meetings and courses designed for the quilombo communities of the state of Santa Catarina.
Atividades Principais
– Meetings with public organs involved in the process of land title normalization.
– Course/workshop for training in human rights and rights of quilombo residents.
– Support for legal assistance to accompany criminality and human rights violations against collectives.
Fifteen quilombo communities in Santa Catarina have received the Certification of Recognition from the Palmares Cultural Foundation and registered with Incra-SC in order to normalize their title to their lands. But until now, not one community received title and few have implemented public policies, such as housing, electricity or quilombo schools. Furthermore, information on quilombo rights are insufficient or doubtful, causing insecurity and leaving room for misunderstanding with regard to territorial rights and socio-environmental injustices.
Sobre a Organização
The Morro do Fortunato Quilombo Community has its origin in the common ancestor Fortunato Justino Machado, from which the toponym Morro do Fortunato is derived. According to accounts, Fortunato was the son of a slave who lived in the region. When Fortunato died, an inventory of his lands was done and inherited by descendant families, with the majority of these still living on the territory and organized through their common parentage and descendence. Currently the majority of the families live there or in the urban area of Garopaba and their main source of income are family agriculture, production of goods, raising cattle, temporary work, salaried jobs and retirements. The community has been campaigning for the normalization of its lands through Incra-SC since 2010, but until now no administrative procedure has been initiated.
– Unified Black Movement of Santa Catarina.
– Quilombo communities in Santa Catarina.
– Federal University of Santa Catarina.
– Brazilian Caritás.
– MST.
– Cidasc.
– Puxirão dos Povos Network.
The project was instrumental in strengthening the intended communities through its activities, related to the territorial struggle, and provided greater visibility in the dialog with state and federal agencies. Education was chosen as the project’s main activity. Arrangements were made for meetings with Maroon educators; activities related to growing crops, raising cattle and building houses; activities highlighting the importance of preserving the environment; workshops analyzing the anthropological findings from the communities of Morro Fortunato, Aldeia em Garopaba and CRQ Toca Santa Cruz, in Paulo Lopes. The project also allowed for meetings bolstering the struggle, participation in meetings and public acts, and legal assistance.