Objetivos e público alvo
Guarantee the effectiveness of the rights of mothers and pregnant women in situations of imprisonment.
Atividades Principais
- Gathering information on the processes of incarcerated women from the State Department of Human Rights, Social Participation, and Citizenship, as well as in prison units.
- Raising the necessary documentation and prepare pardon application.
- Organizing debate events on the theme to disseminate the results obtained.
- Strategically elaborate the standardization of jurisprudence regarding the application of the new childhood timeframe to mothers in prison.
- Documenting paradigmatic cases.
Human Rights Watch (HRW) released on January 12 its World Report 2017, which analyzed human rights practices in 90 countries. In this report, the situation of prisons in Brazil was classified as an “absolute disaster”. We are the country with the fifth largest prison population in the world, according to INFOPEN and the CNJ. The female prison population increased from 5,601 to 37,380, the equivalent of a 567% increase between the years 2000 to 2014. Of these cases, 68% were caused by drug trafficking. In Minas Gerais, in the year 2014, 3,070 women were arrested, most of them young, Black, single and with little schooling (incomplete high school), of which 58% had not yet been convicted.
Sobre a Organização
The Maria Felipa Popular Legal Advisory originated from the organization of lawyers who worked for grassroots movements in the field of criminal law, who have realized the need to unite and then, organize a systematic action in the judicial and political fields to transform legal knowledge into a tool to ensure human rights, especially in the defense of the invisible subjects that are targeted by the punitive arm of the state. The group works to end practices that violate the rights of people living in the outskirts of the city. Built from the relationship with associations and social movements involved with prison issues, the organization performs different types of work from legal advising to proposing actions, aiming at transforming social reality.
– Frente Cult
ura de Rua (Street Culture Front)
– Association of Friends and Relatives of Incarcerated People
– Coletivo Pretas em Movimento (Black Womern in Motion Group)
– People’s Brigades.
– Intersindical – Working Class Central.
– Coordination of Inclusion and Grassroots Movements of the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais (CIMOS-MPMG).
– Cezar Britto Lawyers Associated
– Barbosa and Dias Lawyers Associated.
– CUT – Unified Workers Central of Minas Gerais.