Objetivos e público alvo
To preserve and protect African religions temples in the metropolitan area of Goiânia, focusing on the cities of Goiânia and Aparecida de Goiânia.
Atividades Principais
- A seminar open to all African religions temples in the state of Goiás to inform the religious leaders in these temples on the tax and land rights ensured to religious institutions according to the Brazilian law and how to ensure that these rights are fulfilled.
- Provide free legal advising to those temples seeking regularization.
- Promote monthly meetings with the Forum of African Religions from the state of Goiás.
- Organize a carnival group of the Forum of African Religions in 2017 aiming at bringing closer the people of Goiânia to the cultural manifestations of Black people, highlighting the Black memory and promoting Black original musicality.
- Promote an Afoxé Oju Ode walk, to be held in Goiânia, to gather axé temples in a public act to promote the respect to the African-Brazilian culture.
- Promote a walk in the streets of Goiânia, on January 21, as a way of bringing together the communities of African religions temples to fight against the prejudice that fuel religious intolerance.
African religions temples in the metropolitan area of Goiânia face difficulties with the government to typify the crimes of religious intolerance and institutional racism they face, generating the underreporting of cases in this state. They also deal with inefficiency in the prevention of arson fire, vandalism and attacks against religious communities and members of these religions; legal vulnerability concerning attacks and the claiming of constitutional rights that are guaranteed to all religions in Brazil; and the lack of public policies regarding the needs of these traditional communities.
Sobre a Organização
The Sports and Culture Association Capoeira Mestre Bimba promotes monthly meetings with the Forum of African Religions to address their interests and demands regarding their temples in the metropolitan area of Goiânia. It also gathers communities of people of African origin, mapping their temples to identify the demands and necessary social actions involving religious and external communities. The association is in charge of communicating the forum’s activities, offers political and legal rights training to the Black community. It also becomes an effective channel for disseminating knowledge on the issue and promotes workshops with relevant themes: the African-Brazilian culture in Goiás (capoeira, congada, afoxé, samba, African-Brazilian cuisine), the health of Black population, Black youth and environmental racism.
African religions temples in the metropolitan area of Goiânia.
Goiás Youth Ecumenical Network.
Professionals in the field of basic and college education.
Capoeira groups.